A a position statement in relation to Goole and District Hospital has been released. A version of this has also been uploaded to their website and can be viewed here.
This is a joint briefing from the NHS Humber and North Yorkshire NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) and NHS Humber Health Partnership (HHP), and follows several discussions, led by HHP, with staff, stakeholders and local provider organisations over the past few weeks to consider the various opportunities for the provision of health services in Goole.
Today ERYC published draft recommendations for new wards, ward boundaries, and ward names for East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
They are now inviting comments on those recommendations.
The consultation closes on 12 May 2025.
As a result of the draft recommendations for new warding patterns, ERYC propose making changes to the parish electoral arrangements for the following parish and town councils:
You can take part in the consultation through the ERYC website, which includes further information about the Commission and the review.
ERYC encourage everyone who has a view on the draft recommendations to contact them, whether you support them or whether you wish to propose alternative arrangements.
ERYC will consider every representation received during consultation, whether it is submitted by an individual, a local group or an organisation.
ERYC will weigh each submission against the legal criteria which they must follow when drawing up electoral arrangements:
to deliver electoral equality: where each councillor represents roughly the same number of electors as others across the authority;
that the pattern of wards should, as far as possible, reflect the interests and identities of local communities;
that the electoral arrangements should provide for effective and convenient local government.
It is important that you take account of the criteria if you are suggesting an alternative pattern of wards.
If you wish to put forward a view, ERYC would also urge you to ensure that evidence supports your submission.
For example, if you wish to argue that two areas should be included in the same electoral ward, make sure you tell us why they should be together, providing evidence about community facilities, ties, organisations, and amenities, rather than simply asserting that they belong together.
The ERYC website features technical guidance that explains the process and policies, as well as guidance on how to take part in each part of the process.
Note: Cllr Meredith has advised that:-
Broomfleet, South Cave, Ellerker, Brantingham, Melton, Welton, Swanland, and North Ferriby would constitute the new three Councillor Dale Ward.
Elloughton-cum-Brough would become a two Councillor Ward.
Anyone can also give their views by e-mail at , and by post:
Review Officer (East Riding of Yorkshire) LGBCE 7th Floor 3 Bunhill Row London EC1Y 8YZ
Prior to the meeting we will be holding the Defibrillator Refresher session with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service. The session will start at 6pm. All Cllrs and residents are welcome to attend.
Representatives from Yorkshire Water will be present and provide an update with regards to the agreed actions following the Yorkshire Water roadshow style event on 19 October 2024 and the Ellerker Parish Meeting with Yorkshire Water Representatives on the 3rd May 2024.
National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (National Grid) has launched a statutory consultation in accordance with sections 42 and 47 of the Planning Act 2008 (the Act) for its North Humber to High Marnham Project. The consultation will run from 18 February to 15 April 2025.
Please see the attached letter sent on behalf of Monica Corso Griffiths, Project Director, with more information regarding the consultation and how you can take part.
Also attached are the following materials, which provide further details of this consultation and our proposals:
copy of the Community Newsletter February 2025
consultation feedback questionnaire
copy of the newspaper notice published under section 48 of the Act.
All of the documents published as part of our consultation are also available from the website here.
On the 1st April 2025 one of the allotments at the Stone Pitt Fields Allotment Gardens will become available for rent. The rent from plots which is currently £45 per annum is used to maintain the allotments and pays for cutting the flower meadow / hedges and the grass around the fruit trees and paths. If you would like to join the allotments group, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council by E Mail ( ) or any Cllr for information by 6th March 2025. After this date, the allotment will be made available for Non-Residents to apply.
On Thursday 6th March 2025 at 6pm the Yorkshire Ambulance Service will be providing a Defibrillator Refresher session at the Village Hall. All residents and friends are invited to attend.
The Annual Village Litter Pick will take place on Saturday 15th March 2025. Residents are warmly invited to join in this rewarding and fun event.
Volunteers will meet at the Village Hall at 10.00am
Litter Picker-ups and bags will be provided along with high visibility jackets.
Please bring your own gloves and a bucket
The 80th Anniversary of VE Day is on Thursday 8th May 2025. Residents are invited to make suggestions re events or activities they would like for this day. Please speak to any Cllr or Email the clerk at
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 6th May 2025 at 6.30pm. All residents are welcome to attend when community groups will have the opportunity to share with local residents and the Parish Council details of the activities undertaken over the last year and planned for the coming year.
Please be advised that the Ellerker Annual Parish and Council Meetings will be held on Tuesday 6th May 2025, rather than Thursday 8th May 2025 as VE 80th Anniversary celebrations are been planned for the 8th May.
Residents are reminded there will be an open meeting in the Village Hall from 10 – 12 on 4th January 2025 where there will be an opportunity to view a hard copy of the Draft Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan and to contribute feedback. All are welcome
The Ellerker Draft Neighbourhood plan is progressing to the consultation stage. The Ellerker Team will be following the Regulation 14 consultation steps in the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations.
The consultation period commences on Monday, 18th November 2024 and ends on Monday, 20th January 2025 (extended to 9 weeks to account for the holiday period).
It is important that we receive and record both positive or negative comments. Any feedback will be sent to ERYC to determine if any amendments are needed. Provided no major changes are required, ERYC will move forward with appointing and paying an examiner to review and approve the plan.
The consultation is based on the following documents.
Representatives from Yorkshire Water will provide an update with regards to the agreed actions following the Yorkshire Water roadshow style event on 19 October 2024 and the Ellerker Parish Meeting with Yorkshire Water Representatives on the 3rd May 2024.
The ERYC Forward Planning team have confirmed the Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan is ready for the pre-submission six-week consultation. The next steps and timescales will be confirmed at the meeting.
The organisation is keen that rural residents, businesses and organisations involved in rural development access and make full use of the Website and help to support rural communities. Ellerker Residents are encouraged to get involved.