Monthly Archives: June 2024

Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan Update – June 2024

On the 24th of May members of the Neighbourhood Plan Development Team met with the ERYC forward planners and subsequently received feedback from ERYC regarding the Local Green Spaces. ERYC have subsequently agreed to provide a map of the green spaces that can be included in the appendix of the NDP, showing these areas with the relevant constraints.

The Neighbourhood Development Plan has been updated with the required amendments as of 17th May. The update following the meeting on the 24th May is not included as yet. The  document is available via the following link. Please note this version is raw and not refined.

Ellerker Neighbourhood Plan 05.06.24

There will be further updates to the plan as we incorporate additional feedback and refinements. We are still waiting for feedback on the screening opinion from the Department of Environment and also feedback from ERYC on the draft basic condition statement and draft consultation statement.

Please find below the original documents to allow you to track the changes.

ELLERKER Neighbourhood Plan 28.05.24

Views Appendix ver1Views Appendix ver1