Author Archives: AdminTJP

ERYC Bin Collection Dates after 16th August

From 16th August ERYC bin collection dates are changing
It appears that the normal collection day will be Friday
Green and Brown collections are on the same day
Here is the Bin Collection Calendar for 2021-22

You now have to show your Resident’s Pass when you use an ERYC tip site (HWRS)
If you don’t have a pass then another document to prove you are an East Riding resident
eg. Council Tax Bill or Driving Licence

Parish Council meeting – 9th July 2020

The next Ellerker Parish Council Meeting will be held via the zoom platform, unless the current restrictions are lifted allowing the Parish Council to meet in person – at 7.30pm on Thursday 9th July 2020.

All village residents are welcome – the meeting agenda can be viewed here

Information as to how Members of the Public can attend meetings can be viewed here

Alan Barker
Clerk to Ellerker Parish Council

Parish Council meeting – 28th May 2020

Following the relaxation of ‘in-person’ regulations, the next Parish Council Meeting via the Zoom platform will be held at 5pm on Thursday, 28th May 2020 – to complete the formal review of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019 /20

All village residents are welcome – the meeting agenda can be viewed here

Information as to how Members of the Public can attend meetings can be viewed here

Alan Barker
Clerk to Ellerker Parish Council


Parish Council meeting – 7th May 2020

Following the relaxation of ‘in-person’ regulations, Parish Council Meetings will be held remotely using zoom until further notice.

The next Parish Council meeting via the zoom platform will be held at 5pm on Thursday, 7th May 2020 – all village residents are welcome – the meeting agenda can be viewed here. The meeting will be in 2 parts from 5pm to 5.40pm recommencing after a short break at 5.50pm until 6.30pm.

Information as to how Members of the Public can attend meetings can be viewed here

Alan Barker
Clerk to Ellerker Parish Council

Playing Fields Committee Announcement

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Following the government announcement, the playground equipment is no longer in use. The Ellerker playing fields remain open and may be used in accordance with the government guidelines

URGENTLY NEEDED: The Ellerker Playing Fields Committee is looking for new committee members. If you are interested in any of the positions (chair, treasurer, secretary, committee member), please email Jo Singleton at

The Ellerker AGM will be held on Thursday 16th April at 7pm. Due to the Coronavirus, this will not be held in the Village Hall as originally planned. If you want to join remotely then please email Jo Singleton at and details of how this meeting will be held, will be shared with you. Alternatively, if you have any comments that you would like to be raised at the AGM, then please also email these to

Brough & South Cave Surgeries

Changes at The Ridings Medical Group – Brough & South Cave Surgeries

“Published on Mar 13, 2020

In the current situation to reduce risk from patient contact we are trying to do as many appointments as we can over the telephone.

We are also looking to defer annual and chronic disease reviews where possible. We are currently not taking bookings for routine procedures.

During this time we have taken the decision to move all routine appointments from South Cave and this site will be reserved for minor illness.

The dispensary at South Cave will remain open and we will have a separate entrance for patient to collect medication.

The dispensaries at the remaining sites will also remain open.

Please do not walk in to South Cave (or any site) for appointment bookings. Patient must call the appointment line.”

For the full message text follow this link:

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Advice: