Further information with regards to a new date will be provided as soon as possible.
Author Archives: Alan Barker
Ellerker Village Summer Fayre and Beer Festival – Postponed to 4th September 2021
Ellerker Annual Parish Council Meeting
The Ellerker Annual Parish Council Meeting will be held via the zoom platform at 7.30pm on Thursday 6th May 2021
The Ridings Medical Group – COVID19 vaccination patient update
Please find attached a further update
Covid 19 – This is how we stop the spread (ERYC)
We’re lucky to live in a beautiful area with many places to enjoy our coast and countryside. If you’re heading out this weekend, stay local. There’s plenty to explore away from the crowds http://walkingtheriding.eastriding.gov.uk/
- Enjoy the East Riding responsibly:
- Think of others
- Use your common sense
- Take your rubbish home
- Respect the environment
Avoid busy areas and if you find yourself in a busy place consider using a face covering (unless exempt) or heading home
Please see the attached link
Annual Parish Meeting
Dear Parishioners
NOTICE of the Annual Parish Meeting
I hereby give you notice that the Ellerker Annual Parish Meeting will be held remotely on Thursday 6th May 2021 at 6.30pm.
Venue: Remote Meeting Via Zoom. Please see the separate guidance provided on the website and noticeboards with regards to attendance.
All Local Government Electors registered to vote in the Civil Parish of Ellerker are invited to attend.
1) Acceptance of apologies for absence
2) Chairman’s annual report – Claire Wood
3) Unitary Councils report – ERYC Cllr
4) Humberside Police Report
5) Reports from the Groups and Clubs of the Parish
– St Anne’s Church
– Ellerker WI
– Neighbourhood Watch
– Village Hall Committee
– Playing Fields Committee
6) Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II to be celebrated in June 2022
7) Chairman’s Closing Comments
Claire Wood 25th March 2021
Chairman: Ellerker Parish Council
Please note: If a Parish Poll is requested only parishioners listed on the electoral roll will be able to make the request and vote
Humberside Fire and Rescue – Safe and Well Visits
Humberside Fire and Rescue service offer Safe and Well visits to our community. We provide information, advice and guidance tailored to meet individual needs.
Our visits can include:
• Home fire safety
• Smoke alarm testing
• Escape plans
• Health and well-being information
• Advice to keep you safe in your home
Further information is available via this link
Ellerker Playing Fields Committee – AGM
This year’s Ellerker Playing Fields AGM will be held on Wednesday 28th April 2021 at 7pm. The PFC requires a minimum of 5 trustees, plus of course a number of volunteers, to ensure the upkeep of both playing fields so that these can be enjoyed by all those in our community. Two trustees have advised that they will be stepping down at the AGM which leaves the positions of Treasurer and Committee Member available. The PFC requires a Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and 2 other trustees as a minimum. All current PFC trustees are also open to stepping down so good time to consider joining the committee if you are interested.
Due to the current climate, we are unsure of the meeting details. Therefore in the same way as last year, we request that those wanting to attend please email . Please also confirm your intention to join as a trustee and in what capacity as this will help us in our planning. We will then email everyone before the meeting advising of the meeting details.
Thank you
Ellerker Playing Field Committee
New housing measures which came into force on 14 December 2020, mean that is now a legal requirement for all bird keepers to keep their birds indoors and to follow strict biosecurity measures in order to limit the spread of and eradicate the disease.
For further information please go to https://www.gov.uk/guidance/avian-influenza-bird-flu