Author Archives: Alan Barker

Grass Verge Signs and Bollards

Residents are reminded that any signs and bollards positioned on the grass verges maintained by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council should be approved by ERYC.

Ellerker Parish Council would like to advise residents that the person who installs the unauthorised signs / bollards on the grass verge will be culpable for any injuries or accidents caused by the signs / bollards.

COVID-19 Local Support Grant

East Riding of Yorkshire Council has launched a discretionary grant scheme to support those most in need with the cost of food, energy, water bills and other essentials.

The grant aims to give vulnerable households peace of mind as COVID-19 restrictions are eased by helping those who need it to have food on the table and other essentials.

The COVID-19 Local Support Grant is funded from one-off Central Government funding by the Department for Work and Pensions, announced on 20 June, which enables local authorities to provide financial support to those most in need this year. The council has committed funding from this scheme to provide food vouchers to households with children that are eligible for free school meals.

To help ensure fairness of applications and access to the grant for those who need it, East Riding of Yorkshire Council will implement the COVID-19 Local Support Grant as a discretionary scheme until the one-off funding has been fully utilised.

The scheme runs from until 30 September this year. Applications will close on Sunday, 5 September, to allow funds to be fully distributed.

The discretionary funding available will not be sufficient to provide support to all residents, therefore the council will target and prioritise support for the following:

  • to support households who have made a new claim and are in receipt of Universal Credit from 17 April 2021
  • to support households who have made a new claim and are in receipt of Council Tax Support from 17 April 2021
  • to support households whose income has been impacted by COVID-19, such as loss of job/reduced hours/furloughed AND have had a reduction in income AND have capital of less than £2,000 AND be responsible for rent/mortgage payments and utility bills
  • to support individuals who have a social care package and have seen an increase in their household food and fuel since 23 March 2020
  • to support individuals who are care leavers who are receiving support from the council’s pathways team and have had an increase in food and/or fuel since 23 March 2020.
More information and how to apply

Where residents may not be eligible for this grant, the council has a benefit eligibility checker, this can be used to see if you are entitled to other forms of financial support.

Check my benefit eligibility

The council also has an emergency assistance scheme available to residents who have had an interruption to their income and where they require support to remain in the community.

Emergency assistance scheme

Ellerker & Hilldales Neighbourhood Watch Quiz

Friday 15 October 2021 at 7.30pm in Ellerker Village Hall
Unfortunately the annual NHW Quiz couldn’t take place last year but we’re raring to go this year!
Please email the NHW Secretary, Yvonne, via to let her know if you’d like to field a team.  Teams should consist of four people and entry fee is £20 per team.  There will be light refreshments on the night; a raffle; a trophy for the winning team; prizes for the top three teams; and you can bring your own drinks – beer/wine/soft, etc.
The winning team gets to organise the 2022 quiz, which would be an opportunity to raise funds for their own village organisation.
Keep an eye out for more details in the “Ellerker News” newsletter and on the Ellerker Residents Facebook page.

Ellerker Parish Council – Vacancy for a Councillor

Why not become a local Parish Councillor for Ellerker Parish Council?

Ellerker Parish Council has a vacancy for a co-opted Parish Councillor. No specific qualifications are needed and the most important requirements are to have a keen interest in Ellerker and to be prepared to play an active part in the Councils work. Initial training for all new councillors is available as well as regular ongoing training opportunities. Councillors are required to attend the Bi-monthly Full Council meetings. The term of office for the vacancy will run until the next ordinary election which is in May 2023.

To apply for the post, please send a short E mail (maximum 600 words) to the Clerk to the Council, Alan Barker at    covering:-

• Why you would like to join the Parish Council.
• The skills, knowledge and experience you would bring.
• The key parts of the village that need protecting and the areas for improvement.
• My proficiency with electronic communications.

If you would like to talk through the role of a councillor, please contact the Parish Clerk or speak to Claire Wood (or E Mail )

The closing date for applications is 20th August 2021.

Co-option will take place on Thursday 2nd September 2021 at 7.30pm in the Full Council Meeting at Ellerker Village Hall, where you will be asked to address council for no more than five minutes to expand on your written submission.

You cannot stand for election if:
• You are the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order
• Have, within 5 years before the day of taking office, been convicted in the UK of any
offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over 3
months without the option of a fine

Ellerker Parish Council – Vacancy for a Councillor

There is a vacancy on the above Council caused by the resignation of a Councillor

A bye-election to fill the vacancy will be held if by 19th July 2021, 10 electors for the Parish Council give notice in writing to the Chief Executive of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council at County Hall, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA claiming such an election.

If no such notice is given the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

If you would like further information, please contact Claire Wood (Chairman of the Parish Council) – E Mail   or Alan Barker (Clerk to Ellerker Parish Council) – E Mail 

Ellerker Conservation Area Consultation – Feedback

In accordance with section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 a re-survey has been completed of the Ellerker Conservation Area. Before the adoption of the updated Appraisal Document and boundary changes the Authority are completing a process of public consultation.

Feedback is requested from members of the public and interested parties as to the changes being proposed. Feedback can be provided by completing the form at the end of this document.

Summary of Changes
Please read the following in conjunction with the draft Appraisal documents available on the East Riding website. Please select the Ellerker Appraisal Documents via the Appraisal Documents link below.

Appraisal documents

A summary of the following changes are proposed to the conservation area:

Adoption of updated Conservation Area Appraisal document including the following changes:

  1. Inclusion of updated Legislation and National and Local Planning Policy.
    b. Updated management guidance.
    c. Updated definition of special interest
    d. Amended list of keys views and areas of important open land.
    e. Appraisal of historic evolution of the village.
  2. Amendments to conservation area boundary to reflect extant land boundaries:
  3. Land north-west of Hazel House
    b. Land south-west of Garth Farm
    c. Boundary to The School House, Ring Beck Lane
    d. Boundary to Croft Cottage, Ring Beck Lane
    e. Boundary to Field to west of Croft Cottage, Ring Beck Lane

Please follow this link to a short video

Once the public consultation has been completed the Appraisals and boundary amendments will be reviewed in accordance with feedback received. They will then be considered for adoption by the Authority’s Cabinet and Full Committee procedures.


Please submit your response by 5th July 2021.

The Ridings Medical Group – COVID19 patient update 24th May 2021

Thank you to our wonderful patients for your continued support whilst we deliver covid vaccinations and continue to provide ‘normal’ NHS services.

‘Normal’ GP services
Following recent information in the national press, we would like to reassure patients that we have continued to see patients face-to-face where clinically necessary following a telephone appointment. Due to social distancing restrictions in the waiting rooms, we will continue to offer telephone appointments, online consultations and face-to-face appointments with GPs. Our nursing and healthcare staff have continued throughout the pandemic to offer face-to-face appointments for tests which cannot be completed remotely. This naturally impacts on our waiting room capacity. To ensure the safety of staff and patients and to meet distancing and infection control guidance, we would encourage patients to contact us by telephone where possible.

Covid vaccinations
We have now delivered over 25,000 covid vaccinations at Brough Surgery on behalf of the River & Wolds PCN (The Ridings Medical Group & Hessle Grange Medical Practice). To put this into context, we normally deliver around 5000 flu vaccines every Winter.

Astra Zeneca vaccines
All patients over the age of 40 will now have been offered a 1st Astra Zeneca vaccine. If you have not been offered a vaccine and are over the age of 40, please contact us to arrange this. For those patients who have had a 1st dose of Astra Zeneca, we are contacting all patients who had their 1st dose more than 8 weeks ago (1st dose 23rd March and before). If you have not been contacted and had your 1st dose before 23rd March, please contact us to arrange your 2nd dose.

Pfizer vaccines
The current JCVI guidance recommends that all patients aged 39 and under receive the Pfizer vaccine where possible. Following the assessment of additional Pfizer/BioNTech research data, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) yesterday approved the refrigerated storage of the Pfizer vaccine for 31 days instead of the original recommended 5 days which comes as a great relief to the practice as we will now be able to deliver more Pfizer clinics for our patients. We are awaiting a delivery of a stock of Pfizer (expected approx. 11th June) and are working with East Riding of Yorkshire CCG to hopefully secure stock before then. Once we have confirmation of stock, we will be contacting patients to book their 1st appointment starting with those aged 39.

Vaccine ‘passports’
We have had a lot of queries about vaccine passports. These are available via the NHS App and you do not require a login from us. For more information, visit or contact the help team at

Thank you for your continued support and resilience during the pandemic.

For regular updates, please follow us on Facebook ( or visit our website (