Category Archives: Parish Council

Ellerker Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting is in Ellerker Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 6th January 2022 – all village residents are welcome. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Information with regards to the current Plan B guidance in respect of the holding of Parish Council meetings is available via this link. A summary is provided based on guidance provided by NALC, ERNLLCA and ERYC alongside the Covid 19 Return to Face-to-Face Meetings Risk Assessment provided by BHIB Councils Insurance.

Alan Barker
Clerk to Ellerker Parish Council

Ellerker Parish Council – Vacancy for a Councillor

Why not become a local Parish Councillor for Ellerker Parish Council?

Ellerker Parish Council has a vacancy for a co-opted Parish Councillor. No specific qualifications are needed and the most important requirements are to have a keen interest in Ellerker and to be prepared to play an active part in the Councils work. Initial training for all new councillors is available as well as regular ongoing training opportunities. Councillors are required to attend the Bi-monthly Full Council meetings. The term of office for the vacancy will run until the next ordinary election which is in May 2023.

To apply for the post, please send a short E mail (maximum 600 words) to the Clerk to the Council, Alan Barker at    covering:-

• Why you would like to join the Parish Council.
• The skills, knowledge and experience you would bring.
• The key parts of the village that need protecting and the areas for improvement.
• My proficiency with electronic communications.

If you would like to talk through the role of a councillor, please contact the Parish Clerk or speak to Claire Wood (or E Mail )

The closing date for applications is 20th August 2021.

Co-option will take place on Thursday 2nd September 2021 at 7.30pm in the Full Council Meeting at Ellerker Village Hall, where you will be asked to address council for no more than five minutes to expand on your written submission.

You cannot stand for election if:
• You are the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order
• Have, within 5 years before the day of taking office, been convicted in the UK of any
offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over 3
months without the option of a fine

Barn Dance – 17th June


by kind permission of the Bradley Family

FRIDAY, 17 th JUNE 2016

7-30 pm to 11-30 pm

Read more

Music and ‘caller’ by the very popular


Tickets £10-00 to include Pie & Pea & Pud Supper


Admission by ticket only

Available from Mike 01430 421132


Ellerker Action Group (EAG) are happy to report that the application for Baglett’s Wind Farm (on the edge of Ellerker parish) has been officially withdrawn