Ellerker Conservation Area Consultation – Feedback

In accordance with section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 a re-survey has been completed of the Ellerker Conservation Area. Before the adoption of the updated Appraisal Document and boundary changes the Authority are completing a process of public consultation.

Feedback is requested from members of the public and interested parties as to the changes being proposed. Feedback can be provided by completing the form at the end of this document.

Summary of Changes
Please read the following in conjunction with the draft Appraisal documents available on the East Riding website. Please select the Ellerker Appraisal Documents via the Appraisal Documents link below.

Appraisal documents

A summary of the following changes are proposed to the conservation area:

Adoption of updated Conservation Area Appraisal document including the following changes:

  1. Inclusion of updated Legislation and National and Local Planning Policy.
    b. Updated management guidance.
    c. Updated definition of special interest
    d. Amended list of keys views and areas of important open land.
    e. Appraisal of historic evolution of the village.
  2. Amendments to conservation area boundary to reflect extant land boundaries:
  3. Land north-west of Hazel House
    b. Land south-west of Garth Farm
    c. Boundary to The School House, Ring Beck Lane
    d. Boundary to Croft Cottage, Ring Beck Lane
    e. Boundary to Field to west of Croft Cottage, Ring Beck Lane

Please follow this link to a short video https://youtu.be/hk1wNEwwklo

Once the public consultation has been completed the Appraisals and boundary amendments will be reviewed in accordance with feedback received. They will then be considered for adoption by the Authority’s Cabinet and Full Committee procedures.


Please submit your response by 5th July 2021.