National Grid – North Humber to High Marnham grid upgrade project – Stage one consultation summary

The first stage of public consultation ran for eight weeks from 1 June to 27 July 2023.

The link below contains a summary of the stage one consultation and the emerging themes from the feedback received, together with information on next steps.

Ellerker Parish Council have invited representatives from National Grid to meet with the Parish Council and residents to provide a more detailed updated briefing from members of the project team. This will include more in-depth discussions about feedback, next steps and National Grid’s social value strategy. Further information will be provided shortly.


Ellerker Parish Council Meeting

The next Ellerker Parish Council meeting will be held at Ellerker Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 9th November  2023. All residents are welcome.

The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Ellerker Parish Council has a vacancy for a co-opted Parish Councillor. No specific qualifications are needed and the most important requirements are to have a keen interest in Ellerker and to be prepared to play an active part in the Councils work. Initial training for all new councillors is available as well as regular ongoing training opportunities. Councillors are required to attend the Bi-monthly Full Council meetings. The term of office for the vacancy will run until the next ordinary election which is in May 2027.

Please contact Claire Wood or Alan Barker for further information.

Ellerker Parish Council – Vacancy for a Councillor

Ellerker Parish Council has a vacancy for a co-opted Parish Councillor. No specific qualifications are needed and the most important requirements are to have a keen interest in Ellerker and to be prepared to play an active part in the Councils work. Initial training for all new councillors is available as well as regular ongoing training opportunities. Councillors are required to attend the Bi-monthly Full Council meetings. The term of office for the vacancy will run until the next ordinary election which is in May 2027.

To apply for the post, please send a short E mail (maximum 600 words) to the Clerk to the Council, Alan Barker at   covering:

  • Why you would like to join the Parish Council.
  • The skills, knowledge and experience you would bring.
  • The key parts of the village that need protecting and the areas for improvement.
  • My proficiency with electronic communications.

If you would like to talk through the role of a councillor, please contact the Parish Clerk or speak to Claire Wood (or E Mail )

The closing date for applications is 31st October 2023 

Co-option will take place on Thursday 9th November 2023 at 7.30pm in the Full Council Meeting at Ellerker Village Hall, where you will be asked to address council for no more than five minutes to expand on your written submission.

East Riding Household Support Fund for Oil Customers

Humber and Wolds Rural Action are administering the Household Support Fund for Oil Customers this winter, with it being aimed at low-income households within the East Riding area.

We are looking to target eligible households who use oil for heating, and we thought that circulating to Parish Councils could help get the information out to residents who could benefit from this scheme.

Below you can find a link to the website which includes full details, eligibility criteria and the application form.

The Household Support Fund aims to help vulnerable households in the East Riding with the rising cost of heating oil. Grants will be awarded to eligible residents and is aimed at low income households.

Please note that this fund is only available to East Riding residents.

On application if eligible, households will receive an oil delivery or the LPG alternative and free membership to the Bulk Oil Buying Scheme for the first year (normally £20 per year).

If you have any queries please contact HWRA on 07918 147006 or email: 

Ellerker Parish Council – Vacancy Notice



There is a vacancy on the above Council caused by the resignation of a Councillor

A by-election to fill the vacancy will be held if by 27th September 2023  10 electors for the Parish Council give notice in writing to the Chief Executive of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council at County Hall, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA claiming such an election.

If no such notice is given the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Any written requests calling for an election to fill the vacancy will be available for public inspection and copying under Section 228(5) of the Local Government Act 1972…

For further information please contact Alan Barker – Clerk to Ellerker Parish Council





ERYC Holiday Activities and Food Grants

The ERYC Holiday Activities and Food Grants are currently open for both Christmas and Annual grants. This ensures that children who are in receipt of benefits related free school meals have access to high quality holiday provision as well as healthy and balanced meals.

ERYC are keen to find those organisations who would be willing and able to ensure that ERYC have accessible provision for all. Whether this be the local tennis club, the local school or an independent business passionate about getting young people involved ERYC want HAF grants to benefit local communities.

I have attached our press release.

We have also had a short video created alongside our portfolio holder which we feel outlines a little bit more of what HAF is all about. It is available on youtube via the following link –

Humberside Police – My Community Alert


Effective communication is an essential and pivotal cornerstone of modern-day policing.

My Community Alert is a free messaging system operated by Humberside Police, Humberside Fire & Rescue Service, and Humberside Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, giving you live information about incidents happening in your area.

Choose how you receive messages, by either phone or email, how often you want to hear from us and about the issues that matter to you.

When something happens that you’ve told us you want to hear about, your local officer will send you the details, whether that’s notice of a road closure due to a collision or a burglar who has been caught in a nearby garden.

Subscribe to My Community Alert to be the first to know about issues that might affect you or your family.