South Cave and Ellerker 10K

On 21st July 2023 The East Riding of Yorkshire Council made a regulation under Section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which will be operative on 08:30 hours to 10:30 hours on 30 July 2023

The documents below include the legal notice and site plan.

Legal Notice

Site Plan

National Grid Grid Upgrade – Ellerker Public Meeting 6th July 2023

National Grid are proposing to build a new high voltage electricity transmission line and associated works between a new substation north of Hull at Creyke Beck and a new substation at High Marnham in Nottinghamshire. Please find via the attached link an important communication with regards to the National Grid Proposals and Consultation. 

The proposed upgrade is to increase the capability of the electricity transmission network between the north of England and the Midlands. It will facilitate the connection of proposed new offshore wind that is planned in the area.

Ellerker Parish Public Meeting Thurs 6th July 2023 – National Grid Consultation

Free activities for children and young people on the Council’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme

ERYC have requested Ellerker Parish Council to share some information about the Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF).  ERYC are into the second year of a 3-year Department for Education funded programme which enables children and young people who are in receipt of benefits related free school meals who attend an East Riding school to eat healthily and be active during the school holidays.  There are over 40 HAF delivery partners organising fun activities across the East Riding throughout the 6-week summer holidays, with sessions lasting at least 4 hours and a meal is provided for each participant too.  All of the programmes are inclusive, but ERYC also offer a specific programme of activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
ERYC recognise the pressures on low-income families particularly in the holiday period and ask for help in spreading the word about these free activities.  Attached are some flyers of all the programmes.  
If parents and carers see something they like, all they have to do is get in touch with the provider to secure their child’s place.  All East Riding pupils in receipt of benefits related free school meals are able to attend a maximum of 16 activities for free in the summer holidays. 
HAF is a targeted programme, so for everyone else who isn’t eligible, the school’s out website is starting to be populated with new sessions being added daily
If you have any queries or need the information please do get in touch with:-
Vicky Jude

Holiday Activities and Food Commissioning and Quality Monitoring Officer
Children and Young People’s Specialist Services Children, Families and Schools
Tel:  07726466555

Cottingham and Haltemprice Holiday Clubs July 2023

Goole and Howden Holiday Clubs July 2023


Ellerker Parish Council Meeting

The next Ellerker Parish Council meeting will be held at Ellerker Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 6th July 2023 – all village residents are welcome.

The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Prior to the meeting there will be a Public Meeting starting at 6.30pm to discuss the National Grid Electricity Transmission – North Humber to High Marnham – Stage One Consultation 1st June to 27th July 2023 proposals and the potential impact on Ellerker Village. The meeting will last a maximum of 1 hr with contributor’s limited to 5 mins.

Ellerker Annual Parish and Council Meetings

Dear Parishioners

NOTICE of the Annual Parish Meeting

I hereby give you notice that the Ellerker Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 11th May 2023 at 6.30pm.

Venue: Ellerker Village Hall

All Local Government Electors registered to vote in the Civil Parish of Ellerker are invited to attend.

1) Acceptance of apologies for absence
2) Chairman’s annual report – Claire Wood
3) Unitary Councils report – ERYC Cllr
4) Humberside Police Report
5) Reports from the Groups and Clubs of the Parish
– St Anne’s Church
– Neighbourhood Watch
– Village Hall Committee
– Playing Fields Committee
– South Cave and Wolds Rotary
6) Chairman’s Closing Comments

Claire Wood 21st March 2023
Chairman: Ellerker Parish Council

Please note: If a Parish Poll is requested only parishioners listed on the electoral roll will be able to make the request and vote.

The Annual Meeting of the Ellerker Parish Council will follow this meeting at the same venue at 7.30pm. The agenda is available here

Parish of St Anne’s, Ellerker


A meeting for the election of churchwardens will be held in The Church on Sunday 23rd April, 2023 at 10.30am

This meeting may be attended by:
1. All persons whose names are entered on the church electoral roll of the parish and
2. All persons resident in the parish whose names are entered on a register of local government electors by reason of such residence.

Further information is available via the links below

St Annes Church – Vestry Meeting

Notice of Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Ellerker Village Annual Litter Pick – Saturday 25th March 2023

Residents are warmly invited to join in the rewarding and fun Annual Litter Pick as part of the National Great British Spring Clean.

• Volunteers are asked to meet at the Village Hall at 10am and will be allocated a team and
a zone in which to work.
• Litter picker-ups and bags will be provided along with high visibility jackets for those
working along the busier roads, kindly provided by ERYC and Sewells on the Go, South Cave
• Please bring your own gloves. It is also advisable to bring a bucket in which to place the
many bottles and cans as these can split the bags.