ERYC Parish and Ward – Notice of Election 4th May 2023

Please find below links to  two notices of election for the forthcoming elections being held on 4 May 2023. They are:
  • East Riding of Yorkshire Council Ward Notice of Election
  • East Riding Parishes Notice of Election

ERYC Parishes – Notice of Election

ERYC Wards – Notice of Election

Further information from the national Association of Local Councils is available via the following link.



The relevant nomination forms are available on the website and may be downloaded, completed and printed off for submission.

 Information for candidates (

Please note the following important points:

  • The Notice of Election will be published on Friday 17 March 2023 and the nomination period will open on Monday 20 March 2023.

  • Nominations will close promptly at 4pm on 4 April 2023. Nomination forms have to be submitted in person to Electoral Services, County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley, HU17 9BA.

  • Due to the large volume of nomination papers that are normally submitted, candidates (or their representative) are being asked to make an appointment to submit their nomination forms. To book an appointment, please call 01482 393300.

  • Candidates are strongly advised to send in their forms ahead of formal submission so that an informal check can be undertaken. These will need to be sent in electronically by e-mail to I would remind candidates that once nominations have been submitted, alterations cannot be made (apart from to correct very minor errors).

  • If a candidate is standing for a political party, please ensure that Form 2 (Certificate of Authorisation), or if a separate Certificate of Authorisation) is being used, this is signed by a person authorised to sign on behalf of the Nominating Officer. To help with this and to avoid any undue delay, could I please ask that the electoral services team receive the proper written notification from the political party concerned. This is often called a certificate of delegated authority for the nomination of candidates and the use of a party emblem or something similar. This provides the confirmation that the person signing Form 2 does have the authority of the political party’s nominating officer to act on their behalf with regards to the nomination of candidates.

  • Candidates will become eligible for a free copy of the electoral register for the parish in which you are standing. The earliest date they can officially become a candidate is the 27 March 2023, which is the last day that the Notice of Election can be published. We appreciate that candidates will want to start completing their forms as early as possible and we are encouraging the submission of papers from 20 March 2023. Any candidate wanting help with the elector numbers of their subscribers before they are able to be supplied with a copy of the electoral register, should contact the electoral services team either by e-mail on or telephone 01482 393300. Please note that the elector numbers used must be from the electoral register in force at the time of the publication of the Notice of Election, so this will be the March 2023 register update.

  • A briefing for all validly nominated candidates will take place on Monday 17 April 2023 at 6pm. Details will be sent to all those candidates concerned.

Voter ID

 You will be aware that the Election Act 2022 has introduced voter identification at polling stations. Whilst there are various information and awareness campaigns being run by the electoral commission nationally, supplemented by local authorities local and regionally, I would like to encourage all candidates to help in making voters aware of the need to ensure they have an acceptable form of photographic ID with them when visiting the polling station on polling day. Ahead of polling day, a voter who does not have one of the forms of photo ID, can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate.

Further information about this can be found at Voter ID | Electoral Commission Information is also available on the Council’s website at

Alternative Fuel Payment Scheme

If you are not connected to the gas mains network and you use an alternative fuel for domestic heating, you may be able to apply for the £200 Alternative Fuel payment (AFP).
Normally this would be automatic (via a credit to your electricity supplier before 1st March) but because some properties in Ellerker have a mains gas supply and some do not, you may need to apply per household for the AFP.
This is the web address for the application process:

Household Support Fund for Oil Customers

Households are eligible if they fall into one of the following categories and meet all of the criteria:


To be eligible under this category, you must:

a) live alone with no dependents; and
be employed, or self employed, and

b) have a gross income of under £26,000 per year; and
c) have total savings of under £6,000; and
d) not currently receive any benefits; and
e) be responsible for paying the household’s oil,LPG and electricity bills; and
f) not have previously received any other Government cost of living payment (apart from the £150 council tax energy rebate which was made to all households).

To be eligible under this category, you must:

a) live with a partner with no dependents; and
b) be employed, or self employed, and

c) have a combined gross income of under £31,000 per year; and
d) have total savings of under £6,000; and
e) not currently receive any benefits; and
f) be responsible for paying the household’s oil,LPG and electricity bills; and
g) not have previously received any other Government cost of living payment (apart from the £150 council tax energy rebate which was made to all households).


To be eligible under this category, you must:

a) receive child benefit for one or more children; and
b) be employed, or self employed, and have a gross income of under £31,000 per year; and
c) have total savings of under £6,000; and
d) be responsible for paying the household’s oil,LPG and electricity bills; and
e) not currently receive any benefits (apart from child benefit); and
f) not have previously received any other Government cost of living payment (apart from the £150 council tax energy rebate which was made to all households).


To be eligible under this category, your household must include somebody who:

has one of the following long term-health conditions which means they spend most of the day at home:
a) cardiovascular conditions
b) respiratory conditions (in particular, c) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and childhood asthma)
d) mental health conditions
e) physical disabilities.

This person must also:

receive one of the following disability benefits:
a) Personal Independence Payment enhanced rate (higher weekly rate)
b) Disability Living Allowance (higher weekly rate)
c) Attendance Allowance (any rate)

The household must:

a) be responsible for paying their own oil,LPG and electricity bills
b) have total savings under £6,000

c) have a combined income below £26,000 for single households and £31,000 for couples (not including any child benefit or disability benefit).

To see if you are eligible, and for details on how to apply, visit:

Household Fund Oil/LPG
East Riding Household Fund

T: 01652 637 700

Ellerker Parish Council Meeting

The next Ellerker Parish Council meeting will be held at Ellerker Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 9th March 2023 – all village residents are welcome.

The meeting agenda can be viewed here.

Please note: The Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday 11th May 2023 at Ellerker Village Hall.

ERYC Household Support Funding

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has provided councils with Household Support Funding (HSF) to support vulnerable households with the rising cost of energy bills and food.

The fund is being used to support households in need, particularly those who may not have been eligible for other recent government support payments but who are still in need.

The Household Support Fund is currently funding the following schemes:

Ings Lane – Temporary Road Closure – 22nd February 2023

Ings Lane, Ellerker

Notice is hereby given that The East Riding of Yorkshire Council intends not less than seven days from the date of this notice to make an Order, the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding along Ings Lane, Ellerker (Between the junctions of The Green & Main Street) commencing Wednesday the 22nd February 2023 to allow for BT telegraph instillation works to be carried out in safety.

The road closure is necessary to enable the works to be carried out in a manner consistent with
ensuring the safety of the public. The Order is valid for 18 months, but it is anticipated that the
works will be completed within 2 days. There is no alternative route for traffic affected by the road closure. The diversion route will be signed at the time of closure. The road will be closed to all traffic, but access will be maintained at all time for residents, emergency services and pedestrians.

Further information can be obtained by contacting the Council on 01482 393939 and asking for Highways Customer Care
Dated this 2nd February 2023.

Public NoticePlan Number 132337400

ERYC Your Life Your Way – helping residents get the support they need

Email header
Your Life Your Way

Your Life Your Way 

The council has launched Your Life Your Way, a website hub featuring a vast range of information on how to stay independent and access support for both carers and East Riding residents. The website will help people self-serve and enable anyone to get timely advice. This enhances the personal touch, giving choice and control to residents. 

Visitors to the website will find guidance on staying active and independentIf you have any care needs there are contact details for vital services and information on how to access the technology available through our lifeline service that can support independence. You will also find: 

  • Advice and support for any stage of your adult social care journey 

  • Information and help to stay active and look after yourself 

  • Information on over 300 local groups and activities 

  • Local community and care services 

  • Personal budgets, payments, and benefits calculator

  • Help to work out what you need to pay towards care

  • Support for carers including a FREE Carers UK digital resource

  • Lifeline, aids, equipment, and adaptations 

We understand that for most people, staying independent is important to ensure you live a happy and fulfilling life. Your Life Your Way provides the information and guidance to get you the right support at the right time. 

To visit the Your Life Your Way website click the button below:

Your Life Your Way 


For further information please email: 

Your Life Your Way

Household Support Fund for Oil Customers – YORSwitch Bulk Oil Scheme

The government’s Household Support Fund will help vulnerable households with the rising cost of heating oil. As a result, Humber and Wolds Rural Action have been awarded funding from East Riding Council to offer grants to eligible residents in East Yorkshire.

On application if eligible, households will receive an oil delivery of approx. 500 litres and free membership to the YORSwitch Bulk Oil Buying Scheme for the year. (normally £20 per year).

The criteria can be viewed on the website below, along with the application forms.

East Riding Household Fund for Oil Customers


Households are eligible if they fall into one of the following categories and meet all of the criteria:


To be eligible under this category, you must:

  • live alone with no dependents; and
  • be employed, or self employed, and have a gross income of under £26,000 per year; and
  • have total savings of under £1,000; and
  • not currently receive any benefits; and
  • be responsible for paying the household’s oil,LPG and electricity bills; and
  • not have previously received any other Government cost of living payment (apart from the £150 council tax energy rebate which was made to all households).


To be eligible under this category, you must:

  • live with a partner with no dependents; and
  • be employed, or self employed, and have a combined gross income of under £31,000 per year; and
  • have total savings of under £1,000; and
  • not currently receive any benefits; and
  • be responsible for paying the household’s oil,LPG and electricity bills; and
  • not have previously received any other Government cost of living payment (apart from the £150 council tax energy rebate which was made to all households).


To be eligible under this category, you must:

  • receive child benefit for one or more children; and
  • be employed, or self employed, and have a gross income of under £31,000 per year; and
  • have total savings of under £1,000; and
  • be responsible for paying the household’s oil,LPG and electricity bills; and
  • not currently receive any benefits (apart from child benefit); and
  • not have previously received any other Government cost of living payment (apart from the £150 council tax energy rebate which was made to all households).


To be eligible under this category, you must:

  • receive child benefit for one or more children; and
  • be employed, or self employed, and have a gross income of under £31,000 per year; and
  • have total savings of under £1,000; and
  • not currently receive any benefits (apart from child benefit); and
  • be responsible for paying the household’s oil,LPG and electricity bills; and
  • not have previously received any other Government cost of living payment (apart from the £150 council tax energy rebate which was made to all households).


To be eligible under this category, your household must include somebody who:

  • has one of the following long term-health conditions which means they spend most of the day at home:
    • cardiovascular conditions
    • respiratory conditions (in particular, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and childhood asthma)
    • mental health conditions
    • physical disabilities.

This person must also:

  • be aged 65 or over, or aged 5 years and younger; and
  • receive one of the following disability benefits:
    • Personal Independence Payment enhanced rate (higher weekly rate)
    • Disability Living Allowance (higher weekly rate)
    • Attendance Allowance (any rate)

The household must:

  • be responsible for paying their own oil,LPG and electricity bills; and
  • have total savings under £1,000; and
  • have a combined income below £26,000 for single households and £31,000 for couples (not including any child benefit or disability benefit).

If you think you might be eligible, please complete the relevent form and Fiona from HWRA will contact you to discuss further and complete a YORSwitch membership form free of charge for the first year.

Please see YORSwitch Bulk Oil Buying Scheme for more information.

If you are on LPG, we are looking at how we can support our customers. If this applies to you, please contact us on the telephone number or email below.





If you have any queries please contact Fiona on 07918 147006 or Email: