People warned of dangers of playing near frozen lakes and ponds

Following recent tragedies in the West Midlands, ERYC have provided the information below to help inform residents of the dangers of playing on or near frozen water.

Royal Life Saving Society UK offer simple steps to keep safe during the winter:

  • Never go onto the ice to play, to retrieve an object, or a pet
  • Never enter the ice to rescue somebody, call 999 and ask for the Fire and Rescue Service

What to do if you fall through the ice:

  • Keep calm and shout for ‘help’
  • Spread your arms across the surface of the ice in front of you
  • If the ice is strong enough, kick your legs to slide onto the ice
  • Lie flat and pull yourself towards the bank
  • If the ice breaks, work your way to the bank-breaking the ice in front of you anyway
  • If you cannot climb out, wait for help and keep as still as possible. Preserve heat by pressing your arms by your side and keep your legs together. Keep your head clear of the water
  • Once you are safe, go to hospital immediately for a check up

What to do if you see someone fall through the ice:

  • Shout for assistance and phone the emergency services – call 999 or 112
  • Do not walk or climb onto the ice to attempt a rescue
  • Shout to the casualty to ‘keep still’ and offer reassurance to keep them calm
  • Try and reach them from the bank using a rope, pole, tree branch, clothing tied together or anything else which can extend your reach
  • When reaching from the bank, lie down to avoid being pulled onto the ice
  • If you cannot reach them, slide something which floats, such as a plastic bottle or football, across the ice for them to hold onto to stay afloat whilst help is on the way
  • If the casualty is too far away, do not attempt to rescue them. Wait for the emergency services while calming and reassuring the casualty.

Further advice and resources are available at:

Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS), Winter Water Safety | Royal Life Saving Society UK ( RLSS UK )

Yorkshire Water Yorkshire Water – Water Safety

ERYC – Help for Households Campaign

In response to the cost of living crisis, ERYC have recently launched a corporate campaign to draw all available help, advice and support together into one easily-accessible package for residents.

‘Help for Households’ is now gathering pace and you will soon see a comprehensive programme of communication activity running across the whole of the East Riding with a particular emphasis on the areas, groups and individuals most in need of help.

The help, advice and support offered includes:

  • a wide range of council support available to residents
  • government support
  • support provided by others including local charities, community partnerships and voluntary sector organisations.

Signposting to these many sources of advice, help and support is now made easy for residents through a one stop dedicated website.

For businesses, a summary of help, advice and support is also now available through a similar dedicated webpage.

This campaign is a whole council and community effort with officers working together across a huge range of ERYC services as well as with  local, regional and national partners to enable residents to access help, advice and support.

The Help for Households toolkit provides an easy-to-read summary of support, help and advice currently available, together with a broad range of promotional materials for use to help to spread the word as far and wide across the East Riding as possible.

Help for Households Toolkit.pdf (

Ellerker Village Community Christmas Event – Sunday 4th December 2022

Festive fun for all the family

Following the success of the Christmas Event in previous years the Parish Council and other Village Committees are holding

  • Children’s crafts from 5.00 p.m.
  • Visit from Father Christmas
  • Hot Chocolate & biscuits
  • Mulled Wine and Mince Pies
  • The Illumination of the Christmas Tree at 6.00 p.m.
  • Christmas Carols around the Tree With Beckside Singers

Please come and join us

Christmas tree kindly donated by Ellerker Lodge Garden Centre

Welton Community Cinema – The Railway Children Return

Saturday 19 November 2022
Doors open 7 pm, film 7:30

Welton Memorial Hall

THE RAILWAY CHILDREN RETURN is an adventure for a new generation. Some of the original stars include Jenny Agutter as Bobbie Waterbury, Sheridan Smth as Cilla, Tom Courtenay as Uncle Walter and John Bradlley as Richard. The film follows a group of children who are evacuated to a Yorkshire village during the Second World War, where they encounter a young soldier who, like them, is far away from home.

Run time 98 minutes, PG

Railway Children Return poster 19.11.22

ERYC – Help and support for households across the East Riding with the cost of living

East Riding of Yorkshire Council have our dedicated one-stop website available at:

Cost of living – help for households (

Information about support, advice and help together with sign-posting is currently arranged under seven headings to enable residents to find relevant information as easily as possible. These are:

Hands Urgent help when in need – services that provide financial advice, emergency payments and mental health support.

Pound sign Help with household bills – benefits, Household Support Fund, food banks, help with energy costs. Broadband deals, and budgeting advice for homeowners and low income households.

Family Support for families with children – free school meals, school clothing grant, help with childcare costs, and maternity grants for families with children.

Older people Older people – pension advice, additional winter benefits, free TV licence information, and financial guidance for older people.

Pound sign Support for tenants and low income households – benefits and financial support for tenants and low income households such as Universal Credit, Housing benefit, Council Tax payment support and the council’s Emergency Assistance Scheme.

Disability services Disability services and adult care – disabled facilities grant, Blue Badge application, government benefits and adult social care information.

Calculator Debt and money – budgeting advice and financial guidance from the council, the government, community services, and charities.

This information spans current available provision from the government, partners and our own services. New additional provisions and routes of access are being added as soon as they become available to our residents.

Residents without access to the internet and in need of help can contact the council on: (01482) 393939.

Please see the leaflet via the link below

ERYC_Help_for_households_Oct 2022

Nottingham Knockers Cold Calling in East Riding Villages

East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Trading Standards Services has received reports of Nottingham Knockers cold calling in East Riding villages.
You may know this group as “duster sellers”. They are normally young males carrying large bags full of cleaning products which they offer for sale door-to-door.  This approach is believed to have started in the Nottingham area, hence the term ‘Nottingham Knockers’. Unfortunately, as well as selling everyday items at inflated prices, they may also be looking for suitable targets with a view to either obtaining personal details to sell on or committing crime.
These callers typically claim to be ex-offenders trying to make a new start in life by working on a probation or rehabilitation scheme, and may show a false ID card, or a false Pedlar’s Certificate (genuine certificates are issued by the Police).  Government rehabilitation schemes do not involve door-to-door sales.
Local residents have reported that some of these callers have been abusive.  It is also believed that others may try to charm their way in, making repeat visits to the same household.
The best course of action for local residents is:
  • Do not make up-front payments to any cold callers.
  • Do not deal with Nottingham Knockers.
  • NEVER allow Nottingham Knockers into your home.
  • If you are aware of Nottingham Knockers visiting your neighbourhood, please report any such activity to the Police immediately, using the non-emergency number, 101.  Give as much information as you can such as times dates, descriptions and vehicle registration numbers. By doing this you may help prevent crime.
  • Report any suspicions about other types of door-to-door selling to Citizens Advice consumer helpline 0808 223 1133, giving as much information as you can, such as business names and addresses. 

Domestic Abuse Awareness Month – October 2022

East Riding of Yorkshire Council has joined forces with Humber NHS Foundation Trust, City Health Care Partnership and Humberside Police to support this year’s Domestic Abuse Awareness Month in October.

The combined approach is to raise awareness of domestic abuse and the various forms it comes in, with a focus this year in the East Riding on coercive control, domestic abuse in rural communities, diversity and children affected by domestic abuse.

Residents in the East Riding are encouraged to follow East Riding of Yorkshire Council (@East_Riding) and Humber NHS Foundation Trust (@Humbersafeguard) on Twitter to learn more about these important issues as we move through the domestic abuse month of awareness in October.

Full information on the support available for victims of domestic abuse can be found here:

Councillor David Elvidge, portfolio holder for community empowerment and voluntary sector at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “Domestic Abuse Awareness Month is designed to unify women and men across the world who have been victims of domestic violence and abuse. It is important to recognise that domestic abuse impacts millions of people, and it’s not only women who are victims; many men suffer domestic violence as well.

“It is a problem across every status, culture, religion, and race. There are many different forms of domestic violence and abuse as well, which is why raising awareness is so critical. Residents can use the council’s own ‘options advisor’ on the website should they feel they need help or advice but don’t feel they can speak to somebody about their situations. The advisor is there for people 24-hours a day and can give advice should you suspect somebody else has become a victim of domestic abuse.”

Domestic Violence and Abuse Partnership (DVAP)

The East Riding Domestic Violence and Abuse Partnership (DVAP) provides support for all victims of domestic abuse regardless of age, gender, or sexuality. Their Prevention of Domestic Abuse Service (PODAS) help individuals struggling with their behaviour in their personal relationships, that may be or are at risk of being abusive.

Self-referrals (calling about your own situation) can be made by calling 01482 396368 or completing the online referral form. Professionals need to complete the online referral and DASH risk assessment then email to . DVAP provides consent-based support for victims of domestic abuse, where information will only be shared with consent, unless there are concerns about risk of harm to children or serious criminal offences being committed.

The team will work with you so that you don’t face domestic abuse alone and to help make the situation safer for you.

If you need immediate support in an emergency or are concerned for your own or someone else’s immediate safety, please always ring the Police on 999.

Alternatively, you can ring the Police for a non-emergency on 101.

The DVAP Website Options Advisor also provides safety information which is available on their website 24 hours a day.

Ellerker and Hilldales neighbourhood Watch Quiz

Ellerker Parish Council are hosting the Annual Neighbourhood Watch Quiz on
Friday 14 October 2022 at 7.30pm in Ellerker Village Hall. All are welcome
Please email Alan Barker () to enter a team in the Quiz.
Teams should consist of four people and entry fee is £20 per team.  There will be light refreshments on the night; a raffle; a trophy for the winning team; prizes for the top three teams; and you can bring your own drinks – beer/wine/soft drinks etc.
The winning team gets to organise the 2023 quiz, which would be an opportunity to raise funds for their own village organisation.
Keep an eye out for more details in the “Ellerker News” newsletter and on the Ellerker Residents Facebook page.