St Anne’s Church

The Church is open every day during daylight hours

The times of services are on the notice-board to the right of the church door

The Reverend Andrew Moreland

The Reverend Peter R Draper PhD, 122 The Stray, South Cave HU15 2AL Tel: 01430 524486

Lay Preacher:
Neil Sanderson, 39 Bacchus Lane, South Cave HU15 2ER Tel: 01430 421515

Church Wardens:
Mike Parker, 32 Castle Rise, South Cave HU15 2ET Tel: 01430 266731
Diana Bushby, Brooklyn, Mill Hill, Ellerker Tel: 01430 422757

PCC Secretary:
Ivor Davies, “Belvedere”, Ring Beck, Ellerker. Tel 01430 422104.

Mike Parker, 32 Castle Rise, South Cave HU15 2ET Tel 01430 266731

Caretaker Rota:
Sue Parker, 32 Castle Rise, South Cave HU15 2ET Tel 01430 266731

Electoral Roll:
Sue Parker, 32 Castle Rise, South Cave HU15 2ET Tel 01430 266731

Diana Bushby,  Brooklyn, Mill Hill, Ellerker Tel: 01430 422757

Lynne Waddingham  Tel 01430 422713

Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer:
Claire Wood, Howden Croft, Howden Croft Hill, Ellerker Tel: 01430 424474

An introduction to Safeguarding at St Anne’s Church

As with other organisations with responsibilities for children or vulnerable adults, the Church of England has clear guidance and monitoring arrangements for ensuring that our church is a safe and welcoming place for children, young people and adults with vulnerabilities. Many volunteers contribute to the life of the church in Ellerker. Those who have official roles, for instance the Church Wardens and the members of the Parochial Church Council, must be safely recruited. This includes a 3 yearly Enhanced DBS check and a requirement to undertake and refresh the Church of England’s Safeguarding training, appropriate to that role. The Parish Safeguarding Officer, who is appointed by but independent of the Parochial Church Council, oversees and monitors this process and keeps records. Our progress in implementing good safeguarding practice as specified in The Church of England’s House of Bishops Parish Safeguarding Handbook, is monitored by the Safeguarding Team at the Diocese of York.

At the moment there are no specific activities at St Anne’s for children, young people or vulnerable adults. This is likely to change as the congregation and community recover fully from the impact of the pandemic and when our new Vicar is in place. Anyone leading new activities will undertake the necessary safer recruitment and training.

Claire Wood is currently the Parish Safeguarding Officer for the Benefice of All Saints’ Church, South Cave, St Anne’s Church, Ellerker and St Mary’s Church, Broomfleet. Claire was involved with Adventurers at All Saints’ Church and Busy Bible Club at St Anne’s Church for 22 years. Her professional career was in health and her voluntary career has included roles in the justice, education, charity and local government sectors.

Safeguarding Policy December 2023

Promoting a safer Church December 2023

Domestic Abuse Statement March 2023

Diocese of York Bullying and Harassment Policy

Reporting a Safeguarding Issue

St Annes Church Safeguarding Record July 2024

St Annes Church – Recruitment of Ex Offenders Policy

St Annes Church – Risk Policy

The Church of England’s Parish Safeguarding Handbook

Parochial Church Council Minutes – 23rd July 2023

Parochial Church Council Minutes – 23rd September 2023

Annual Safeguarding Report May 2024

Church Flowers Rota Organiser:
Sue Parker, 32 Castle Rise, South Cave HU15 2ET Tel 01430 266731

The Monthly Church Magazine is ‘Grapevine’
Bernice Maitland, 6 Mill Hill, Ellerker, Brough HU15 2DG Tel: 01430 421960

A book on the history of the Parish Church of St Anne was written by Patricia Jorna (Highgate Press, 1999) ISBN 1-902645-04-9. Copies are available in Beverley and South Cave libraries